Scrub the Data

Who makes up the members of your community

Identify those in your community with profiling, confirmation, and global positioning.

Gossip and stories become opinion as they acquire magnitude.

Building the number of people in the community requires development of targeted growth. Those community members, their friends, followers and competitive influencers create posts every day. As any community approaches an average of 10,000 posts per month evaluation issues impacted by the small sample paradigm disappear.

Data Relevance, Lurkers and Format Variety.

Managers scan for things out of place or that need to be integrated so the posts included remain relevant for this community;
• anomalies are interpreted
• disruptions do not necessarily shift focus
• differences and variety are integrated
• special interest impact is kept in perspective

Adapt as the Community Changes Membership

New folks join and others move on. Collecting their posts while in the community is fundamental while recording and managing the impact of membership changes has implications for the future and comparisons to the past.

"It's about uncovering insights into the interests, desires and needs that people openly share while not caring who is paying attention."